Saturday, March 21, 2009

Secrets of the Spot Market

How a "Predictable" Price Change of Just One Penny...Can Turn 10K into $49,300 in Just 17 Days!

Dear Aspiring Trader,

Since August 1st, 2008 this "predictable" price change has returned 70%...220%...310% and 320%!

Now l et me ask you a brief question.

Could your investments use a little boost right now?

If you're like most investors I meet from all corners of the globe, you've found that things have changed drastically in the past few months.

Even during the 10 years I've been running The Sovereign Society I've never seen such a change.

And that's why I'm writing you today.

In the next few pages, you'll discover a private industry report on what's playing out to be the biggest financial trend of the next few years.

Specifically, you'll see how one man made more from a single trade...than many Fortune 500 companies make in a year!...And why that same trade is now replaying step-by-step, in money-making déjà vu fashion, 17 years later.

Those who act today stand to improve the financial situations for themselves and their family - forever. Those who hesitate will miss out on the greatest cash-grab opportunity of this century.

The 'Profit Playground' of the
Ultra Rich that Millions of
Ordinary Investors Completely Overlook

The lifeblood of every city, state, and country around the world relies on one market - that trades $4 trillion daily. And every once in a while this sometimes mysterious market sends out a crystal-clear signal...

For years, these signals led elite investors to huge profits.

  • Big timers like George Soros used it to make over $1 billion on a single trade in 1992.
  • Warren Buffet recently placed a $20 billion trade.
  • In 1985 Bill Lipschutz averaged $821,917 returns a day for an entire year!

But here's the best works for ordinary investors like you and me...just as well as it works for tycoons.

  • No one had ever heard of Michael Marcus - just an average Joe who decided he would 'take a shot' at these markets. The results? He turned $30,000 in life savings into an $80 million fortune.
  • Bruce Kovner, a frustrated writer and former cab driver, got into this 'exclusive market' with almost no money to his name and zero fame. Today, his net worth is estimated at $2.5 billion!

And many more investors are just getting started creating their fortunes...

  • Hans Van Malderen from Cologne, Germany recently wrote in to report he made a tidy $3,930 on a single trade. A 102.95% profit.
  • Brandon Harris, an engineer from Sacramento, California recently pocketed $6,000 in a single month.
  • Other regular investors -- like you and me -- had the chance to make profits of 73%, 130%, 160% and 221% in the last few months alone.

I think you get the point.

This market used to strictly be the 'Profit Playground' of the super rich. But today, there are no longer any millionaire barriers or high-net-worth requirements. You can even get started with as little as a few hundred dollars.

(Though, you'll want to start with at least $5,000 to build some serious wealth in the shortest time possible. If you're uncomfortable with a portfolio of that size, then this special report probably isn't for you.)

All you need is to have someone show you the ropes...

Before we go on, I want us both to be sure this is right for you. So, I have a few questions I'd like to ask.
Could you use an extra $3,000 to $12,000 dollars a week for less than 15 minutes of 'work'?

Wouldn't it be nice to keep more money for yourself and stop paying the enormous commissions and outrageously high fees that eat away at your profits?

aDo you want to be one of the first to profit from a 'predictable' billion dollar trade? (Hint: It's already happened twice, and this time it's like you're allowed to go back and bet on last year's World Series!)

If you answered yes, then read on because - for reasons that will be obvious in a moment - this letter may be your only chance to discover the most powerful financial trend of 2008.

Double Your Money in as Little as One Day in
The Investment Wall Street Doesn't
Want You to Know About

I must be honest here...most financial professionals have a vested interest in NOT telling you what I'm about to share.

Your stockbroker isn't going to tell you; he only makes money when he sells you stocks.

Your financial advisor isn't going to tell you, he only cashes in on fees when he sells you investments like annuities or life insurance.

The media overlooks it, or just prints a small blurb far back on the last pages...even though the returns are far greater than stocks.

That's why I can't blame you for not realizing just how profitable it can be.

It's not a conspiracy of silence. It's just that Wall Street hasn't yet figured out how to bilk you and mutual fund investors for billions. So there is very little coverage...even though this market is 72 times larger than the NY Stock Exchange!

In fact, this letter you're reading may be the only time you'll ever hear exactly how to use this investment to fast track your retirement.

And that's why I'm writing you today. In just a moment, I'm going to show you how to supplement your income by $2,000, $5,000 even $11,207 a week with embarrassingly little effort...with the guidance of a father-and-son team who have shown thousands of formerly 'shut out' investors the way to easy profits.

But before I introduce you to these two, let me show you a little more of WHY you should get in...

The graph below shows how a few in-the-know investors had an opportunity to double their cash in under a day.

Turning a One-Penny Move into $5,000

These profits didn't come from a giant rally in the stock market or because the price of oil shot up another $50...

It came because of a price change of just a single penny.

You heard that right.

The graph represents a change of one penny in the value of the euro in U.S. dollars - as traded on the 'Spot Currency Market.'

Now, in case you're wondering what 'The Spot Market' is, here's the 'quick and dirty' explanation:

  • It's the largest financial market in the world...72 times larger than the NYSE
  • It's the most liquid
  • It trades 24 hours five days a week, around the world
  • Miniscule spreads means you keep more of your profits
  • You can trade just a few hundred dollars or a few thousand per trade...It's versatile to fit every type of investor
  • You can strictly and automatically limit your risk, while keeping unlimited profit potential!
  • You'll pay ZERO commissions on all trades!
  • CEO's can't swindle you! The market is Too BIG to manipulate prices through phony financial reports or other scams
  • The little guy (like you and me) has as much of an edge as the big boys...smarts win, not size. (And I'll show you where to get the 'smarts' on your side!)
  • It's the perfect way for you to make up to an extra $2,000-$10,000 month in and month out...even if stocks nosedive into a historic bear market!
  • It's the only market I know of where 'predictable' price changes of just a penny or two can so easily produce profits in the thousands of dollars...

chartSo what does all this mean to you? Just BIG opportunities that you will never find even in the best stock market.

For instance, in the chart above, the euro gained just one cent against the dollar. Yet, that would have been enough for you to turn $5,000 into $10,000 in just ONE day.

And that's not even the best part...

Hugely lucrative currency moves like this happen day after day, every week of the year.

But I'm not going to sugar-coat reality. Just like any other investment, if you dive in head-first without a strategic safety net in place you could easily lose big time.

But the truth is...that doesn't have to happen.

In fact, in each trade there is a quick and easy way for you to decide how much you're willing to risk. One that AUTOMATICALLY saves your cash when a trade goes sour.

And when set up properly (don't worry, it's easy) the losses are minimal, and your winners go big.

How big? Right now there is one event that is just starting to unfold that has already made 100% winners look like chump change.

I'll get to that in a moment...

But first let me show you how a foreseeable event caused small 'predictable' price changes to turn one penny moves into $2,500, $10,000 even $30,750.

'The Power of the Pip' --
Turning One-Cent Moves into Fortunes

Currencies rise and fall by just a fraction of a penny.

We call this a pip.

And whenever a currency moves just 1/100th of a penny - or a pip
- you could be making big profits.

However, when a currency moves an entire penny -- or even a few pennies at a time -- you could be making thousands!

Think that's just theory?

Not at all. With this info you could have more than...

Tripled Your Money in Just Over TWO Weeks

These are all live market examples of the "predictable" price change in action...

Starting with just $10,000 in a regular account and reading just a simple step-by-step instruction to your broker. Or going online and placing your trade in just minutes. Here's what you would have experienced:

A Four Penny Move More than Tripled Your Cash!

Quadruple Your Money In Rapid Fashion
With A Six-Penny Move!


Less Than Five Pennies yields a 320% Profit!

Turning a One-Penny Move into $4,250!

I'll explain exactly why were able to secure these tremendous profits in just a moment.

What sent these trades into motion was all 'predictable' ...reported days, weeks even months in advance of the actual currency moves.

But even though we could see them from a mile didn't need to know how the events triggered these huge profits. You just needed to be able to read a few words over the phone to your broker and...

You Could Have A Total $30,750 in Just Two Weeks!...
More Than Tripling Your Initial Investment

The following table lays it all out. You could have started with just a $10,000 portfolio and invested just a $2,500 in each recommendation. Had you done that, your portfolio could have more than tripled in just 17 days...







Penny Move













$ 5,500.00







$ 7,750.00














$ 1,750.00


Plus Original
$10,000 portfolio


Total Ending


And you'll notice that that includes the one losing play in this string. This is important, because even with sound calculations, extensive knowledge of history and the markets, and a 'gut-feeling' from facts and experience nobody can be right every single time.

But when your winners come more often and are consistently bigger than your occasional losses... and when you put together strings of 4 winners out of 5 plays during the strongest trends...

You have a system to consistently maximize your profits and more than make up for the occasional setbacks.

In fact, you could have used this system to net even more than $30,750 in a few weeks time...

A Total Move of 15.5 Pennies...
Makes You Almost 5 Times Richer

Now if you're a bit more of an aggressive trader, you could even have done better. It's entirely up to you. It depends on your level of trading comfort.

For instance, if you simply rolled the profits forward, your original $10,000 portfolio could have been $49,300!


Amazingly, it didn't take a price change of hundreds or thousands of dollars for you to make these gains...

The value of all these currencies moved just a cent here a couple of pennies there...but the profits were massive.

In fact, if you added up the price changes on ALL these currency trades - they came to just 15.5 cents!

Yet that would have been enough to make you $49,300.

Here's another way to look at it...

For every penny move you put $3,181 in your pocket!

And it didn't take months or even years for this to occur. The first trade opened July 23, 2008. The last one closed August 12, 2008.

That's just 17 days!

There may be other places where you can get that kind of return on your money right now...but I don't know where.

That's the incredible power of this market. And it's simple to access it right now and begin to turn small, often 'predictable' moves into some very large gains for your portfolio.

In fact, it's almost as if...

The Greatest Currency Trading
Opportunities Wear 'Cowbells'

When you know what to look for, you can see the biggest opportunities in the currency markets from a mile away.

But you can only get that kind of intuition from someone who has spent an entire career researching how currencies move.

And that's where Jack Crooks comes in.

He's the guy who made the profitable currency trade recommendations I just showed you...the ones that could have turned 15.5 cent moves in major currencies into a $49,300 portfolio for you.

And he's just written an extraordinary report. It can make all the profits I've just shown you yours in the next 12 months. And it's easy to understand because Jack is one of the most successful (and 'regular guy') traders in the 'Spot Currency Market' I've met in nearly 20 years in the financial business.

In short, the report he has just prepared could be the most financially liberating document you ever read in your entire life.

It's called, 'Secrets of the Spot Market: How 'Predictable' Price Changes of Just a Few Pennies Build Personal Fortunes'.

In it you'll discover all the information you need to cash-in on Spot Market profits:

  • How regularly released information signals the 'predictable' price changes of currencies. It's almost like betting on a coin flip...and knowing which side it's going to land on.
  • Why the Foreign Exchange Spot market must be open 24 hours daily. The world would literally grind to a halt if it wasn't...and how to take advantage of that fact for huge profits.
  • How a 'built in loss-protection' device prevents a run on your money
  • Stocks are easier to trade than currencies right? Wrong, there are 2,805 companies listed on the NYSE alone. You can make a fortune trading just the 8 major currencies on the Spot Market
  • You'll never want to trade stocks again! $4 trillion liquidity means you get in and out when you want
  • The #1 mistake committed by amateurs in the Spot Market...and the #1 Success Secret of the Pros
  • Skip the middleman! For the most commonly traded currencies - where you can regularly make high double-digit and triple-digit returns - the only fees you pay are on spreads as little as 3/100th of a percent!
  • Why the 'Seesaw Effect' means it's impossible for the cash-rich opportunities to dry up...there's always a bull market.

'Secrets of the Spot Market' reveals the secrets that Jack Crooks has used for 23 years to put millions of profits into the pockets of his subscribers.

Online, you'll find training programs that sell upwards of $1,999.97! And yet you wouldn't learn the low-risk/high-reward proprietary trading secrets revealed in 'Secrets of the Spot Market'.

And you'll be learning from the best in the business here.

Jack isn't some wet-behind-the-ears 'wannabe' selling you a bill of goods. He is a world-renowned professional currency strategist, with his own investment advisory firm and an unparalleled track record...

  • As the founder and President of Black Swan Capital, Jack has held key positions in brokerage, money management, trading, and research.
  • Jack is a regular guest on financial shows across the country, including CNBC Power & Money and Bloomberg TV. His views on currencies are also quoted by leading financial venues from Asia Times online,, and and Today's Financial News.

And you won't pay anywhere near $1,999.97 for the privilege.

We've sold 'Secrets of the Spot Market' - complete with everything you need to start trading on the Spot Market today - for as little as $129 because we think it's a manual every serious investor cannot afford to be without. But because of the urgency of this opportunity I'm going to do something unusual...

  • First, I'm going to slash the price of Secrets of the Spot Market by more than just $49
  • Second, I'm going to give you an additional report on the single best trading trend in the Spot Market today. It's about how a 'predictable' collapse of one of the worlds most highly valued currencies made some investors a fortune nearly 20 years ago...and how the collapse is replaying tit for tat today to the tune of multiple triple-digit profits piling up. It's a $99 value. But it's yours, Absolutely Free
  • Third, I'm going to give you a FREE gift from Jack Crooks (worth $108)

But you're a smart and skeptical investor, and you're probably wondering how we could possibly afford to give away so much - a $336 value - for less than 1/6th of the full price...

I'll tell you the reason for our 'generosity' in a moment. It has to do with my confidence in Jack Crooks...with an extraordinary new trading opportunity that's coming up... and the ability to make huge profits from it again and again as the trend unfolds. Allow me to explain...

How a Blockbuster Trade of the Century Turned
A Major Move Into A Huge Fortune

'102.95% profit!'

Thanks again! I made $3,930 on my trades...I just paid my subscription for the first quarter!

Hans Van Malderen
Cologne, Germany

You can see how price changes of just one or two pennies produce thousands of dollars in profits. But sometimes there are huge, highly 'predictable' price changes. This is when a currency moves by as much as 10, 20 or even 30 cents in a matter of months!

When these trends start to take off, you can make an absolute fortune. For example...

In the late 1980's low interest rates, fiscal stimulus tax cuts, a red hot economy, and consumer confidence sparked a housing boom in England...and then a $1 billion dollar windfall when it all fell apart.

It was called the 'Lawson Boom.' During this period, economic growth rose from a historic 2.5% to over 4% and housing prices rose by 300% in just a few years.

With housing prices hitting record highs, millions of otherwise ordinary people suddenly felt 'rich.' And they pulled out equity at record levels.


Does any of this sound familiar to you?

Well, back to our story...

The whole party ended when the UK central bank was finally forced to raise interest rates. Normally, higher rates are good. But in this case, they were the needle that punctured the housing bubble. Real estate plummeted, the economy went into recession and the pound crashed.

But it was far from a surprise. It was almost 'predictable.'

Anyone could see Britain would have to raise rates sooner or later to rein in inflation. One man who saw it was George Soros.

And through the spot currency markets that are now available to you he was able to turn the event into a $1.1 billion payday from a single trade!

Now, just like the UK had the 'Lawson Boom' in the late 80's the U.S. had a boom of it's own in the early 2000's.

And while most dollar holders saw their assets plummet in the last few years during the bust...Jack Crooks has been able to consistently show a select group of subscribers large profits:

  • 120% shorting the dollar vs. the New Zealand Buck in 7 days
  • 90% shorting the dollar vs. the Canadian buck in 16 days
  • 100% shorting the dollar vs. the Aussie buck in 1 day
  • 160% shorting the dollar vs. the Swiss franc in 8 days

Just to name a few...

But here's the most important point...

Another major housing bust (and currency crash) is unfolding right now...with the same out-in-the-open, can't-miss-it 'predictability'... and enormous opportunities for massive profits.

Billion Dollar Déjà Vu

The same thing that caused the British pound to collapse in 1991 and the U.S. dollar to fall in the past few years (and create billions for savvy currency investors) is happening again right now in the UK.

But this time, it's even worse!

In 2007, many analysts believed the exchange rate of 2.11 US dollars for every 1 UK pound was much too high.

And closely watching the fundamental data over the next several months, we noticed that the problem was only growing.

The British economy is MORE exposed to the ongoing credit crunch than any other developed economy...even the U.S.!

Especially on the housing side. October 2007 saw a top in UK home prices, up 129% since 2000. In the last few months a UK Telegraph headline says it all...

'Slide in house prices is the worst since the Great Depression'

And with mortgage approvals dropping 56% in the last year banks are refusing to lend money.

As the flood of cheap money dries up and home prices continue to plummet...UK citizens are getting stretched over the rack.

Just like here in the states, in the past few years British consumers used home equity lines as a personal ATM - and now an entire population is quickly going into debt.

The UK Times Online reported that personal bankruptcies are predicted to triple from 2004 levels to 120,000 this year.

And now the highest paying jobs in London are disappearing. The Financial Times recently reported that London financial businesses may shed as many as 10,000 jobs this year.

The UK is traveling down the same business cycle path as the U.S. The only difference is that the UK hasn't seen the thick of it yet.


And since European economies closely follow the UK, the euro is joining the devaluation of the pound.

The good news is if you think you missed out on all of the money making opportunities in the past few years as the euro and the pound surged against the dollar - now may be your last chance.

In a special report titled 'London Falling: How to Profit When the Pound Collapses' Jack Crooks outlines exactly why the British pound is destined to follow the downhill path of the U.S. dollar and how this coming trend could be the most profitable investment opportunity for the next few years.

Jack has already gone BIG with this trade...those three huge trades I've already mentioned - 220%, 310% and 320%-- all came from shorting the pound and the euro.

But it's far from over...

'London Falling' lays out a specific long-term currency trade to profit from the falling British pound. George Soros used a similar strategy back in 1991 for profits of over $1 billion.

But there's more to the story than just cashing in on the falling pound once or twice. Major trends like these are like an overfilled dam. When the floodgates open, they fill reservoirs for hundreds of miles around.

In other words, as the pound crashes there will be repeated opportunities for profit throughout 2008 and 2009 as money flows away from the UK and towards other countries with better economic prospects and higher interest rates.

In 'London Falling' you'll learn why the coming British pound crash may be worse than in the credit crunch will GUT the UK financial industry even more than it did in the the twin collapse of the UK real estate bubble and overwhelming debt of the UK consumer are the canaries in the coal mine for the value of the you could repeatedly turn moves of a single penny - or 'pence' - into $11,207 in 10 days or less...and why the historically accurate business cycle all but ensures that this will all happen...

It's all revealed in 'London Falling', including the...

#1 Way To Profit From The Pending Crisis

Like I said, this a new, major'll have opportunities to make money from it again and again.

But you'll need the kind of expert guidance that comes from years of experience...and that's where Jack comes in.

With this special offer Jack has agreed to throw in a risk-free trial subscription to the only financial advisory service in the world exclusively dedicated to helping individual investors like you and me to identify and trade the biggest trends in the incredibly large currency markets.

The penny profits you saw that turned into thousands came from this service. Yet the opportunities today are better than ever. And it's the first service of it's kind...

Bringing The Multi-Trillion Spot Market
To Individual Investors since 2004

Jack and sonI've been working with Jack for the much of his 23-year career in the financial industry. And I've never seen any man work so hard and so long to get the facts straight.

And aside from speaking engagements around the globe (most recently in China, Panama and Vancouver) and appearances on Bloomberg, and'll almost always find him toiling away behind the computer at his quiet South Florida home.

Because to make the right 'predictions' you need to understand ALL of the facts, from constant market data, historical trends, 'health' of major economies, and a unique understanding to put it all into context.

And that's what Jack does. He brings 23-years of experience and a devotion to research to accurately predict - to the best of his knowledge - how to make YOUR investments profitable.

"Couple Weeks Pays for the Entire Year"

Thanks for your expertise. I have already made two to three weeks to pay the annual subscription.

Vincent Couper, Ph.D.
Eugene, OR
University Professor

Not only that, it's a family affair. In the last few years his son John has joined the family trade, scouring the globe for the best emerging opportunities in currency trading.

This helps Jack to do the most thorough research he can, while still spending plenty of time with his new grandson.

And it's paid off big time. Throughout the last four years, we've been able to play very identifiable and almost 'predictable' trends to capture moves of a few cents in major currencies...and turn those into thousands of dollars.

For example, take a look at how in each of these trades...moves of a few cents produced high double-digit and triple-digit returns in a matter of weeks, sometimes days...

  • September 2, 2004 - we bought Canadian loonies and a month later we took gains of 69% off less than a one penny move
  • December 9, 2004 - we sold British Pounds and a few pennies later took home a 106% profit in just 15 days
  • July 21, 2005 - we shorted the yen versus the buck and booked 220% gains when it moved 2.4 pennies the next day
  • August 31, 2005 - we bought the euro and when it moved less than three cents we made a 219% profit.
  • October 18, 2006 - we went long on the pound and less than a one penny move made us 51%
  • November 26, 2006 - we pitted the euro against the greenback and one and a half pennies later racked up 157% in nine days
  • October 24, 2007 - we played the U.S. against the Hong Kong dollar and booked 80% in 12 days from a little over a one cent move
  • November 26, 2007 - we went long the New Zealand kiwi versus the yen. Two days and 1.4 cents later we took home 130% in profit
  • February 4, 2008 - we went long the buck against the Canadian loonie. It moved less than a penny and we netted a tidy 79%
  • March 7, 2008 - we recommended shorting the yen for 107.7% gains in three days after a little over a one penny move

Talk is Cheap - Except When Your
Own Cash Is on the Line

I could go on with dozens more examples where penny moves could have made you thousands of dollars as a Money Trader subscriber.

But I'd be lying to you if I said Jack was perfect. In fact he honestly admits that the Money Trader isn't for those who can't stomach a few setbacks here and there.

'Hey, I'm an investor. And like every investor, I suffer losses. But I won't feed you that 'I'm great and I never lose' propaganda. When I make a trade that goes sour it hurts...because I put my own cash on the line. I only make money when Money Trader subscribers make money'

Now, you can't trade this way in the stock's a conflict of interest. You don't want to be accused of 'front-running' or 'pumping and dumping.'

(That's where stock gurus buy shares for themselves privately, then recommend the shares to their readers publicly and make money for themselves as the buying activity pushes the price up.)

But here's the beauty of currencies...

You don't have to worry about that kind of thing at all.

A 'Guru', CEO or Some Blabber Mouth 'Expert'
On the Tube Can't Manipulate Currencies

Think about it... There are $829 billion U.S. dollars in circulation.... $679 billion euro out there... $76.29 trillion Japanese yen.... $38.99 billion Swiss francs... and so on.

If institutions can't move these markets with their purchases - individuals sure can't.

And that means you get a rare thing in the spot currency market...


All you need is the right knowledge and proven trading strategies to turn penny moves into substantial fortunes. When you invest in currencies, the 'sharks' on Wall Street go hungry.

So now you can see, Jack eats his own cooking. So when we say he takes the occasional hit personally, we mean it! He cares very much about doing the best he can for his subscribers, and he puts his money where his mouth is to boot.

You can't say that about many financial editors.

Look, we're no Johnny come lately to this market.

We've given the keys to the currency kingdom to individual investors, long before anyone else.

And Jack makes these trades easy to implement too, with clear and simple instructions on how to place every trade. You can place the trades online. Or you can literally pick up the phone and read line for line from the email and your broker will know exactly what trade you want to play.

There's Nothing to Learn...If you Don't Want To

It couldn't be easier...

But you get more than just consistent winners with The Money Trader; you also get all of the reasons behind the trades.

At least once a week, Jack sends out a comprehensive analysis of the latest news that affects how currencies move.

If the Fed cuts rates he explains exactly what this means to the value of the U.S. dollar. When quarterly job reports are released in Germany, he let's you know why this will affect the euro. As commodities soar around the world, he explains why this is great for the Aussie dollar.

With The Money Trader you don't just get the news; you understand the forces that create the news...and how it will affect your bottom line.

The Money Trader, in short, can not only help you consistently turn currency moves of few pennies into thousands in profits... it will make you a more knowledgeable and confident investor in EVERY financial market - from stocks and bonds to commodities.

'Best Darn Alerts'

You write the best darn informative and understandable alerts, with the ... best charts.

Gayle and Rick Gallup
Billings, MT
Internet Entrepreneurs

That's because currencies are the life blood of economies. As they move, they have a great effect on the money flows going into stock markets and entire countries.

And don't expect to get this kind of specialized knowledge from the talking heads on TV...

This kind of insight can only come from a seasoned veteran. And Jack has been doing this for over 23 years...long before currency trading was featured on the evening news.

And this insight could literally be...

Your Golden Ticket to an Early Retirement

Because Jack is about to pull the trigger on the biggest currency trade of the new century...

You'll learn all about it in 'London Falling: How to Profit When the Pound Collapses' - a $99 value - absolutely FREE when you order 'Secrets of the Spot Market: How 'Predictable' Price Changes of Just a Few Pennies Build Personal Fortunes' for just $49 today.

But there's more than just cashing in on the major trend of the falling pound...there's the repeated opportunities for profit in 2008 and 2009 as money flees the UK to countries with better economic outlooks.

And that's why when you pick up a copy of 'Secrets of the Spot Market: How 'Predictable' Price Changes Build Personal Fortunes' You'll also get a FREE 30-day trial subscription to The Money Trader. That's a $108 value - yours - FREE.

You may be asking yourself why Jack is willing to give away something he usually sells for $1,295 a year.

Simple...Jack believes that once you experience for yourself the tremendous profits you'll stay on as a subscriber. And he's willing to take all the risk up front to prove it to you.

During your 30-day FREE trial to The Money Trader, you'll have full access to every in-depth research report Jack's ever written...and every currency play Jack's recommended. Within minutes, you'll see, first hand, the high level of gains and analysis reserved for members of The Money Trader.

After 30 days - if you agree that it's worth every penny - do nothing but keep receiving the recommendations and banking the profits. You'll automatically become an official member - and be billed at our lowest rate - at just $325 a quarter.

And if, by chance, it's not for you - simply call our friendly customer service team within 90 days of placing your order - and they'll immediately cancel your subscription - no questions asked. You'll get back 100% of every penny you paid. After that, you'll get a full refund for the unused portion of your subscription. So there's never any undue risk.

And 'London Falling' is yours to keep as a token of our thanks.

But I'm confident you'll never have to make that call. At this special rate, The Money Trader is an unbeatable deal.

I can't guarantee I'll be able to give you this low-low rate on Secrets of the Spot Market or The Money Trader ever again. Or that I'll ever be able to give you 'London Falling' (a $99 value) for FREE. Or that you'll ever be able to get in on the kind of historic 'predictable' mega trading opportunity the pound is presenting right now.

But I can guarantee you this...

"You see the Big Picture"

Your insightful analysis should be required reading for every MBA student in America. This article just made my new subscription worth every penny: it doesn't cost, it pays!

London, UK

You'll learn how to make much higher returns far safer than any stock'll finally understand the secrets behind the world's largest and most lucrative financial'll get insight that NO stocks-only investor has...with risk-averse unlimited upside...without huge fees...without any commissions...with recommendations you can place for as little as a few hundred dollars...and you'll be thrilled with insider knowledge and profits you gain from this research service...or let me know within the first 90 days and I'll refund ever single penny you paid for it.

No questions asked.

But I urge you to act today because the trend has already begun.

As the British pound follows the way of the U.S. dollar, every 'pence' it heads south will mean thousands for savvy currency investors. And my prediction is that -- just as happened in 1991 -- a select few are going to grow very rich.

Click the Enroll Now button and let me show you how to be one of them...

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Erika Nolan's signature
Erika Nolan,
Executive Director of The Sovereign Society
Publisher, 'The Money Trader'

P.S. The last time sliding home values, record job losses, and skyrocketing personal bankruptcies combined in the UK the pound fell over 30 cents in just 5 months...resulting in billions of profits for savvy investors. It's happening again right now, but only this time the opportunities are even greater - since we've seen this scenario before...the money moves are that much more 'predictable.' So get ready to set yourself up for big profits while this crisis is still on the horizon with 'London Falling: How to Profit When the Pound Collapses' and your FREE 30-day trial to The Money Trader.

What People are Saying About The
“Predictable” Price Change
of Just One Penny

We respect your privacy. All names have been shortened to initials.

$3,930 pays for Subscription

I made $3,930 on my trades…great…this just paid my subscription for the first quarter! 102.95% profit! J.T. Furniture Imports Tucson, AZ

$10,000 a Month with Plenty of Time Left Over

I now believe I can make 10K a month and still sleep and enjoy my life. Thank you for keeping it basic and simple. Keep up the good work. R.S.

So Easy a Blind Foreigner Clears
60% profits in 20 Days!

I apologize for my English, because I do not know or speak and write in that language. I use an online translator to read and write. I am writing this email to first inform you that I am blind, use a program called Jaws who speaks virtually everything that appears on the screen of my computer. Second, let me to congratulate Mr. Jack and his son John for the excellent quality of service, which allowed me to win in the last 20 days over 60% profit E. T., Brazil

Love the Insights!

Love these insights! You're proving to be a great resource. B. W. Spokane, WA

$1,708 in a Week

I funded an account with only $2,500 last week. Thanks for your recommendations this week, the pound and the aussie, which I exited early on both and took my profit, brought my account to $4,208. Keep up the good work! T.L.

“Paid for the subscription
several times over…”

Appreciate the good work. As a new subscriber, I tried your service just recently with a very limited account. The returns have already paid for the subscription price several times over, and have been delightfully uncorrelated with the stock and bond markets making for excellent diversification. I.V.

$600 on Just Two Trades

I made $600 total for my last two trades. L.L.

“After being out of town a few days…”

On March 16 upon my return home I was ecstatic to find that my account had made a very nice profit in an amazingly short time. My first successful trade has much more than covered my subscription for a year! A.V. St. Louis Missouri

This from a first time
currency trader.

With 30 years stock experience and a stock broker to boot…You guys are perfect. C.B.J.

Just one Wager Pays for
50% of Subscription…

I am very, very happy with the 1st recommendation. Even though I only put a small wager on it…I managed to recoup 50% of my subscription. E.C.

“I’m Hooked!”

I love the service. Your introduction to Forex trading really got me hooked. R.G.

“Thanks for Making me a lot of Money…”

Just wanted to say thanks for making me a lot of money on the recent recommendations. N.E.

“Required Reading for
every MBA student”

Your insightful analysis should be required reading for every MBA student in America. This (one) article just made my new subscription worth every penny: it doesn't cost, it pays! JRL JD, MBA

Made Mistakes…Still Made Money

I think you do a very good job with your service. I've learned a lot and enjoyed it, made many mistakes, and still made some money. M.D.

From a Reader Down Under

I would like to send you a bonus - for all your hard work and on the spot recommendations, well worth every dollar I PAID. Keep up the good work. Thank u thank u thank u, god bless. L. S. Australia

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Another one Hooked!

After just three days, I am hooked. You have made me step back from the mad day-trading mentality and look at the bigger picture overall your service is phenomenal. J.F.

“Thanks for the Contact…”

Thanks for keeping us informed. Thanks for recent email and audio message updating our information. While I am sure I do not understand it all, I, for one, appreciate your keeping in contact with the subscribers. J. B. PhD

You And Your Son…Best Investment Ever

I would like thank you, and your son for great service you have provided us. So far this has been the best investment ever.E.N.

Excellent Video

I just wanted to thank you for the excellent video you presented at noon today with Jack Crooks and Justin Ford. Not only did I learn a lot, but it is very clear that Jack Crooks is an extremely CREDIBLE person, and one to be trusted with investment knowledge. J.M.

Thanks for the Insights, Jack

It was nice to see you at the Dallas Seminar last week. Thanks for taking the time to give us an update as to your insights into the currency markets. I appreciate the fact that you include us in your thinking process. Very helpful and refreshing. I've subscribed to a few other investment letters in the past and just got an occasional play from them, but limited insight. Keep up the good work.H.F.

Your Recos are HOT!

Jack, Just a quick line to say thank you for doing such a great job. I've been going heavy on your recos and the last few days have earned significant increases to my Forex account. Thanks for the service! T. D.

Cashing in on a Crooks

Jack you are great. When I heard of Jack Crooks for the first time, I told my friend, who discouraged me telling me not to deal with Crook but I told him that CROOKS is just a name, Jack has demonstrated his wonders to the extent that I am overwhelmed with joy. In fact Jack you are too much. My friend has started wooing Jack already. Pips rolled in and rolled in, Jack, you are filled with confidence and authority in Forex and futures.R.C.

Impressed with Free Presentation

I have just listened to Jack's presentation and I'm extremely impressed that he took the trouble to do it and extremely impressed with its content. Regards R. P.

Best Newsletter

Thank you for the best investing letter I have ever received. I truly love it.K.K.

Jack’s a Natural Teacher

It was a great webinar! A fine learning experience: Jack Crooks is an natural teacher, and I always learn a great deal from him. Thank you. B.O.

I was Skeptical, but then
I DOUBLED my Money

Incredible, I have to be honest I was very skeptical about Jack, but I was able to double my money d

uring this ugly financial crisis. Thank you, Jack. J.M.

You’re too Valuable

Keep the recommendations coming. Exciting. Great to be involved with you guys. I hope you keep doing this for decades. Don't go leaving Sovereign Society - you're too valuable. V.C.

From a Very Satisfied Subscriber

I am extremely pleased with your service, your timely commentary and your genuine interest in our success. You are doing an outstanding job. I thought you should hear from a very satisfied subscriber. I.R.

More Valuable than Money

Like many others I am amazed at how much money I've made because of you. Obviously I appreciate that a lot and you've been a great investment. But, even more than the gains, I want to thank you for providing another valuable thing -- perspective. Y.S.


Good morning Jack, as a new customer I have to say you are the most professional analyst I follow. Your insight is great and I like the way you work. It is refreshing to see someone do what they say they are going to do.....thank you again. B.M.

Best Darn Info

Jack, you write the best darn informative/understandable alerts, with the fewest words and best charts. G. R.

Bless You Mr. Crooks

Thank you , thank you, thank you !!!! I have tried almost every service out there and that is what I got, serviced !! ---you know, how the bull services the cow!!!! I am 77 yrs old and was down to eating my seed corn and then I read your e-mail. I just cant believe how good you really are!!! If this continues I just may get the rust fixed on my 85 ford escort--love ya man, keep it up, love hearing from you !!! K.C.

“I cannot believe it!”

Friends. I cannot believe it. I was sure you were wrong on this one. But I bought anyway. Today I closed the position w a NICE profit. I've quickly made back my entire lifetime subscription fee and I'm thrilled. Absolutely thrilled w the insight you have. Keep up the good work. J. W. Architect Jackson Hole, Wyoming

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From a New Subscriber

As a new subscriber 6 weeks ago I am blown away by your recommendations, each of which I have followed faithfully with extremely profitable results! L.O.

Annual Subscription in One Month

I'm delighted. In one month, following your minimum suggestions, my un-realized gains have already passed the value of an annual subscription. I bought 1 contract of the September Pound. So far it’s up over 250%. A. F.


Telling all my financial buddies to save themselves, get out of the market and into forex with Jack where you can still earn a return! Thanks again. I.S.

Jack Makes You Smarter…

I'm having such fun learning about FOREX that my understanding of politics and economies and middle eastern influence and commodities all have been enhanced simply by your insights. Keep 'em coming! J. M.

Jack is AWESOME!!!!

I felt like an idiot buying the Yen when everyone in the world is saying the dollar is going to hell in a handbasket. But I got the last laugh. Honestly, I didn't know what to expect when I started with Jack, but looking at what's left of my stock portfolio I now really realize there IS an alternative to conventional investments…and that alternative is JACK CROOKS. D. M. Chicago, IL

Experience Shows Big Time

You're a breath of fresh air man! Your years of experience shows, big time. S.H.

During the Credit Crunch…

Thanks for giving us little guys and gals a fighting chance! Imagine - actually making money over the past week!! J.J.

Girlfriend was WRONG!

Hi, I just wanted to let you know how thrilled I am to have found you. When I told my girlfriend I had subscribed to your service, she asked who you were. I told her Jack Crooks. She rolled her eyes and said "Oh God. You're finished." I said "With a name like that he HAS to be good". Turns out I was right. Thank you so much. F.W.

Outdistancing the Rest

Thanks Jack! I am patiently waiting to review your next recommendations. Your services are outdistancing the rest, by far! K. Berkeley, CA

Simple to Follow

Thank you, Jack. You make everything so simple to follow. I especially appreciate your frequent communications and explanations. Thanks again. J. P.

So Much Fun

I don't know when I've had so much fun. Thank you for the work that you do and the wealth that you share with all who follow your recommendations.

Now a Jack Crooks Lifer

Being a newbie, I became a little bit discouraged. However, I told myself, "You've got to stick with Jack. He knows what he's doing." I am now a Jack Crooks "lifer" and looking forward to a very comfortable and adventurous retirement! W. S.

Let your Money work for you

You've taught me something I've been wanting to do for a long time: let money work for money, without having to wait 20 years to see obvious results. So thank you so much, I'm most grateful to you. M. C.

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